
Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Cihang Xie is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz. His research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision and machine learning, with the goal of building human-level computer vision systems. He is particularly interested in securing model performance under distribution shifts, and developing deep representation learning with minimal supervision.

Associate Professor, Director (NLP MS Program), UC Santa Cruz

In Fall 2022, Dr. Ian Lane joined Baskin Engineering as an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department and the Program Director of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Professional Master’s Degree Program. A graduate of Kyoto University, Dr. Lane has an international reputation for high impact research in NLP developing cutting-edge speech recognition, machine translation and conversational AI systems. As part of the Baskin Engineering faculty, Dr. Lane plans to extend his prior research developing new techniques, models and frameworks to allow language technologies to be effective “in the wild” and to learn and improve through real-world interaction. He is also excited to help grow a diverse, interdisciplinary and lively NLP community at UCSC’s Silicon Valley Campus.

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Razvan Marinescu is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research focuses on Machine Learning and its applications to Healthcare and Biomolecular systems. He is also the co-founder and CTO of a drug screening start-up, GiwoTech Inc.

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Yuyin Zhou is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz. Before that, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, working closely with Prof. Lei Xing and Prof. Matthew Lungren. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, under the supervision of Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Alan Yuille. She received her B.S. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and M.S degree from UCLA. She also interned at Google Cloud AI and Google Brain.

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Jeffrey Flanigan’s research lies in the areas of natural language processing, structured prediction, and deep learning. His work focuses on enabling computers to understand and generate natural language better (semantic parsing and generation) and to help people who speak different languages communicate (machine translation).

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Leilani H. Gilpin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. Her research focuses on the design and analysis of methods for autonomous systems to explain themselves. Her work has applications to robust decision-making, system debugging, and accountability. Her current work examines how generative models can be used in iterative XAIstress testing.

Distinguished Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Lise Getoor is a distinguished professor in the Computer Science Department at UC Santa Cruz and the director of the UC Santa Cruz D3 Data Science Center. Her research areas include machine learning and reasoning under uncertainty; in addition she works in data management, visual analytics and social network analysis.

Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Roberto Manduchi is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research focuses on assistive technology for persons with visual impairments. Specifically, he is exploring the use of mobile computer vision, inertial sensors, and location-aware systems for increased spatial awareness and information access without sight.

Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Professor Yi Zhang is a Professor in School of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research interests are personalized search and recommendation, natural language processing, machine learning, data mining and computational economics.

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Xin (Eric) Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research interests include Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning, with an emphasis on building embodied AI agents that can communicate with humans using natural language to perform real-world multimodal tasks.

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Yang Liu is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research interests are data-centric machine learning and fairness in machine learning. The central question associated with his work is learning from dynamic and noisy data.