PhD in Computer Science, 2019
Center for Medical Image Computing, UCL
MEng in Computer Science, 2014
Imperial College London
BSc in Computer Science, 2013
Imperial College London
Razvan Marinescu is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research focuses on Machine Learning and its applications to Healthcare and Biomolecular systems. He is also the co-founder and CTO of a drug screening start-up, GiwoTech Inc.
During his PostDoc in Polina Golland’s lab at MIT, he worked on machine learning algorithms for healthcare applications. He developed generative models for natural images, Chest X-Rays and brain images, which can be used as prior models for image reconstruction tasks, using bayesian posterior optimisation.
During his PhD, he developed Bayesian statistical models for prediction of Alzheimer’s disease and related neurodegenerative diseases. Such models were able to not only to estimate the continuous evolution of Alzheimer’s disease, but also discover novel spatial patterns of brain pathology (e.g. DIVE) or transfer such “learned evolutions” in populations with different diseases (e.g. DKT). He further co-organised TADPOLE, an international competition that compared 92 algorithms from 33 teams at predicting the evolution of Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, together with UCL colleagues N. Firth and S. Primativo, he performed one of the first comprehensive clinical studies (Firth et al., Brain, 2019) on the evolution of Posterior Cortical Atrophy, a rare dementia affecting the visual system.